Internationale Links
Hier verweisen wir auf fremdsprachige Internetangebote zur Brüderbewegung. Ergänzungen sind herzlich willkommen!
- Zur Geschichte und Theologie der Brüderbewegung
- Nationale und regionale Informationsseiten zu Brüdergemeinden
- Verlage und Zeitschriften
- Weitere Websites mit brüdergemeindlichem Hintergrund
Zur Geschichte und Theologie der BrüderbewegungUmfangreiche Sammlungen:
- Christian Brethren Archive (John Rylands University Library of Manchester)
- STEM Publishing (Leslie Hodgett)
- Brethren Archive (Tom Chantry)
- Christian Writings Archive (Martin Arhelger)
- My Brethren (Gordon A. Rainbow und Jeff Kuns)
- The Brethren Writers Hall of Fame (Alan Newble)
Geschichtliche Darstellungen:
- Kategorie “Plymouth Brethren” in der englischsprachigen Wikipedia
- William Blair Neatby: A History of the Plymouth Brethren
- Andrew Miller: “The Brethren” (commonly so-called): A Brief Sketch of their Origin, Progress and Testimony PDF-Version
- Andrew Miller: Short Papers on Church History, Chapter 56 zweiter Link
- David J. Beattie: Brethren The Story of a Great Recovery
- Henry Allan Ironside: A Historical Sketch of the Brethren Movement PDF-Version deutsche Übersetzung
- W. R. Dronsfield: The Brethren since 1870 PDF-Version zweite PDF-Version deutsche Übersetzung
- Ian McDowell: A Brief History of the “Brethren”
- Peter Blackwell: The Plymouth Brethren
- James Reetzke: John Nelson Darby and the Brethren Assemblies
- Philip McNair: Back to the New Testament: the Plymouth Brethren (aus: Christian History, 1984)
- Tim Grass: Müller and friends. The development of the Brethren (aus: Christian History, 2018)
- Henry Pickering: Chief Men among the Brethren
- Alfred J. Gardiner: The Recovery and Maintenance of the Truth (Raven-Standpunkt)
- Andrew Miller: Los Hermanos (Übersetzung von “The Brethren ...”) PDF-Version
Spezielle Themen:
- Anonym: Darbyism and its New Bible (aus: Sword and Trowel, 1872)
- John S. Andrews: Brethren Hymnology (aus: The Evangelical Quarterly, 1956)
- John S. Andrews: The Wiedenest Bible College (aus: CBRF Journal, 1971)
- John Barber: The hearts and minds of J. N. Darby and E. B. Pusey a comparative study
- John Barber: Who are the Brethren?
- William E. Cox: John Darby
- Rowland Croucher: Brethren (Origins Historical Distinctives Current Challenges)
- Gilles Despins: The Translation Work of John Nelson Darby: Blessing or Burden?
- Neil Dickson: Brethren and Baptists in Scotland (aus: Baptist Quarterly, 1990)
- Neil Dickson: Modern Prophetesses: Women Preachers in the nineteenth-century Scottish Brethren (aus: Records of the Scottish Church History Society, 1993)
- Michael Hardt: Darby and World Politics
- James Harvey: Donald Ross: A Soteriological Retrospective
- Daniel Herm: Past and present foreign missionary activities of German Brethren churches (aus: Christian Brethren Review, 1989)
- Thomas Ice: John Nelson Darby and the Rapture
- Thomas Ice: John Nelson Darby and the Pre-Trib Rapture
- Thomas Ice: When Did J.N. Darby Discover the Rapture?
- Thomas Ice: Alleged Irvingite Influence on Darby and the Rapture
- Andrew Jukes: Letters to the Gatherings of Brethren at Leeds and Otley (1848)
- William Kelly: The Doctrine of Christ, and Bethesdaism zweiter Link
- William Kelly: A Letter to Mr. Geo. B. Gilpin, in Reply to his “Warning,” etc. (1866)
- William Kelly: Blackheath re Ramsgate: A Letter (1881)
- William Kelly: [Review of] Teulon’s Plymouth Brethren (1883)
- William Kelly: The New Development (1890)
- William Kelly: Why many saints were outside the Park Street of 1881 (1905)
- William Kelly: [Review of Collingwood’s] “The Brethren”: A Historical Sketch (1905)
- David Larsen: John Nelson Darby: Pioneer of Dispensational Premillennialism
- Peter J. Lineham: Tongues must cease: the Brethren and the Charismatic Movement in New Zealand (aus: Christian Brethren Review, 1984)
- Michael Marlowe: John Nelson Darby’s Version [of the New Testament]
- C. A. Oxley: The ‘Needed Truth’ Assemblies (aus: CBRF Journal, 1964)
- Roger Robins: Caught up to meet Jesus in the clouds. John Nelson Darby’s view of the last things (aus: Christian History, 2018)
- Harold H. Rowdon: The Early Brethren and the Ministry of the Word (aus: CBRF Journal, 1967)
- Harold H. Rowdon: The Early Brethren and Baptism (aus: Vox Evangelica, 1979)
- Harold H. Rowdon: The Brethren Concept of Sainthood (aus: Vox Evangelica, 1990)
- William M. Sibthorpe: A Defence of the Truth, called for by Neatby’s “History of the Plymouth Brethren” (1903)
- Hamilton Smith: Open Brethren: Their Origin, Principles, and Practice (1930) Word-Dokument
- Charles H. Spurgeon: Plymouth Brethren (aus: Sword and Trowel, 1867)
- Charles H. Spurgeon: Mr. Grant on “The Darby Brethren” (aus: Sword and Trowel, 1869)
- Daniel Steele: A Substitute for Holiness, or, Antinomianism Revived: The Theology of the So-Called Plymouth Brethren Examined and Refuted (1887)
- Timothy C. F. Stunt: Irvingite Pentecostalism and the early Brethren (aus: CBRF Journal, 1965)
- Timothy C. F. Stunt: John Synge and the Early Brethren (aus: CBRF Journal, 1976)
- Donald Tinder: The Brethren Movement in the World Today (aus: CBRF Journal, 1973)
- G. F. Tripp: Recent Liturgical Tendencies Among the Exclusive Brethren (aus: CBRF Journal, 1967)
- William Trotter: The Origin of (so-called) Open-Brethrenism (1849)
- William Trotter: Bethesda in September 1857, or, An Answer to the Question, Why do you still stand apart from Bethesda?
- George Vicesimus Wigram: An Appeal to Saints that remain still in Bethesda and Salem, as to certain bad doctrine (1848)
- George Vicesimus Wigram: The Present Question, 18481849
- Paul Wilkinson: For Zion’s Sake: Darby and Christian Zionism
- Willem J. Ouweneel: John Nelson Darby en het profetisch Woord (aus: Bode van het heil in Christus, 2000)
- Willem J. Ouweneel: J.N. Darby en de broederschap (aus: Bode van het heil in Christus, 2000)
- Willem J. Ouweneel: De “leer van de Broeders” (aus: Bode van het heil in Christus, 2002)
- Willem J. Ouweneel: Honderdvijftig jaar Nederlandse “Broederbeweging” (aus: Bode, 2003)
- Klaas Schilder: Darbisten (1918)
- Johann Jakob Herzog: Les frères de Plymouth et John Darby (1845)
- Christian Maillebouis: Un Darbyste au XIXème siècle. Vie et Pensée de J. M. A. Dentan (18051873)
- Christian Maillebouis: Influences darbystes autour du Mazet-Saint-Voy (18501900)
- Christian Maillebouis: Réflexions sur le «darbysme» en France
- Clifton Daggett Gray, Jr.: The Meaning of Membership as Perceived by Plymouth Brethren (PhD, Boston 1963)
- Elisabeth Kay Wilson: Brethren Attitudes to Authority and Government, with Particular Reference to Pacifism (MH, Hobart 1994)
- Timothy George Grass: The Church’s Ruin and Restoration: The Development of Ecclesiology in the Plymouth Brethren and the Catholic Apostolic Church c.1825 c.1866 (PhD, London 1997)
- Neil T. R. Dickson: The History of the Open Brethren in Scotland 18381999 (PhD, Stirling 2000)
- Joanna Rénée Betz: Alfred P. Gibbs: His Life and His Hymns (BM, Newport News 2001)
- Alan Lance Jansen: The Influence of Fundamentalism on Evangelicalism in South Africa with Special Reference to the Role of Plymouth Brethrenism amongst The Cape Coloured Population (PhD, Kapstadt 2002)
- Robert Bernard Dann: The Primitivist Missiology of Anthony Norris Groves (17951853): A radical influence on nineteenth-century Protestant mission (PhD, Liverpool 2006)
- Jonathan Mark Yeager: The Roots of Open Brethren Ecclesiology: A Discussion of the Nature of the Church Compared to the Ecclesiology of the Darbyite Brethren, 18251848 (ThM, Vancouver 2006)
- Winston Terrance Sutherland: John Nelson Darby: His Contributions to Contemporary Theological Higher Education (PhD, Denton 2007)
- Matthew Austin Clarke: A Critical Examination of the Ecclesiology of John Nelson Darby (PhD, Gloucester 2009)
- Peter David Lee: The Shaping of John Nelson Darby’s Eschatology (PhD, Lampeter 2010)
- Darin Duane Lenz: “Strengthening the Faith of the Children of God”: Pietism, Print, and Prayer in the Making of a World Evangelical Hero, George Müller of Bristol (18051898) (PhD, Manhattan 2010)
- B. Vijaya Raju: Understanding Missionary Activity within a Broader Historical Perspective: Two Micro Studies of the Brethren Movement in Andhra (18331969) (PhD, Hyderabad 2010)
- Tórður Jóansson: Brethren in the Faeroes. An Evangelical movement, its remarkable growth and lasting impact in a remote island community (PhD, Glasgow 2012)
- David Owen Woodbridge: Missionary Primitivism and Chinese Modernity: the Brethren in Twentieth-Century China (PhD, Manchester 2012)
- Anne-Louise Critchlow: William Kelly (18211906): Biblical Literalist, Conservative Intellectual, and Mystic (PhD, Manchester 2015)
- Gilles Despins: A Critical Assessment of J. N. Darby’s Translation Work (PhD, Bryanston 2015)
- Sylvain Aharonian: Les «frères larges» en France métropolitaine: Socio-histoire d’un mouvement évangélique de 1850 à 2010 (Thèse de doctorat de sciences religieuses, Paris 2016)
- David Andrew Smith: Practical Theological Ecclesiology: Grounding, Integrating, Aligning and Improving Ecclesial Theory and Praxis in the Christian Brethren Community in Australia (ThD, Pretoria 2016)
- Kate Brooks: ‘She appears a promising child’: The Role of the C19th Orphanage in Categorising Young Care Leavers in Terms of Productive Labour. A Critical Case Study of Muller’s New Orphan Homes’ Dismissal Books 1830s1890s (PhD, Bath 2023)
- Darin Duane Lenz: Henry Craik (180566), from St. Andrews to Bristol: An Irenic Scotsman and the Call for a Second Reformation (MTh, Glasgow/Edinburgh 2023)
- Vilhelm Edvard i Lida: Brødremenigheden på Færøyene sommeren 2022. Observasjoner av forhold medlemmer var opptatt av (MA, Bergen 2023)
Nationale und regionale Informationsseiten zu Brüdergemeinden (mit Adressen, Links usw.)
- Niederlande
- Niederlande
- Großbritannien
- Frankreich („offene Brüder“)
- Frankreich („blockfreie“ und „geschlossene Brüder“)
- Frankreich, Belgien, frz. Schweiz („blockfreie“ Brüder)
- Frz. Schweiz („offene Brüder“)
- Italien
- Galicien (Spanien)
- Portugal (irmãos)
- Portugal (ciip)
- Polen
- Tschechien
- Ungarn
- Nordamerika
- Kanada
- USA und Kanada
- Jamaica
- Australien
- New South Wales (Australien)
- Neuseeland
- Indien
- Südafrika
- Buch: The Brethren Movement Worldwide, hrsg. von Ken und Jeanette Newton (52019)
- Stichting Focus op de Bijbel (Ommen)
- Stichting In Grazige Weiden (Den Helder)
- Stichting Uit het Woord der Waarheid (Aalten)
- Uitgeverij Daniel (Zwolle)
- Creced (Versoix; spanisch)
- Ediciones Bíblicas (Perroy)
- Éditions Bibles et Littérature Chrétienne (Chailly-Montreux)
- Promesses (Corseaux)
- Bibles et publications chrétiennes (Valence)
- Il Cristiano (Anghiari)
- Il Messagero Cristiano (Valenza)
- Nuova UCEB (Città di Castello)
- Edificación Cristiana (Madrid)
Großbritannien und Nordirland:
- A Word in its Season (London)
- Assembly Testimony (Lurgan)
- Believer’s Magazine (Kilmarnock)
- Chapter Two (London)
- Christian Doctrine and Gospel Publishing (Chessington)
- Hayes Press (Wootton Bassett)
- Kingston Bible Trust (Lancing)
- Precious Seed Publications (Neath)
- Ritchie Christian Media (Kilmarnock)
- Saville Street Distribution (Witney)
- Scripture Truth Publications (Crewe) Scripture Truth Magazine
- The Bereans Publishing (Kilkeel)
- The Stone Publishing Trust (Sevenoaks)
- Words of Peace and Truth (Coulsdon)
- Timoteus-Förlag (Töreboda)
- Šírení Písma Svatého (Hrochuv Týnec)
- Evangéliumi Kiadó (Budapest)
- Believers Bookshelf (Sunbury, PA)
- Bible Ministry Recordings (Sunbury, PA)
- Bible Truth Publishers (Addison, IL)
- Bibles, etc. (Wheaton, IL)
- Cornerstone Magazine (Land O’ Lakes, FL)
- Grace & Truth (Danville, IL) Blog
- Moments with the Book (Bedford, PA)
- Present Truth Publishers (Jackson, NJ)
- Spread the Word (Dover, PA)
- The Christian Shepherd (Des Moines, IA)
- Toward the Mark (Wayne, NJ)
- Uplook Ministries (Grand Rapids, MI)
- Believers Bookshelf (Beamsville, ON)
- Christian Truth Publishing (Hamer Bay, ON)
- Gospel Folio Press (Port Colborne, ON)
- Horizons Missionary Magazine (Surrey, BC)
- Truth & Tidings (Stoney Creek, ON)
- Lecturas Bíblicas (Buenos Aires)
- Depósito de Literatura Crista (Diadema)
Weitere Websites mit brüdergemeindlichem HintergrundEnglisch:
- A Day of Small Things (Daniel Roberts)
- Assembly Care Ministries (Tallahassee, FL)
- Assembly Line (Kanada)
- Assembly Quest (Mark Peever)
- assemblyHUB (Mike Dilione u.a.)
- Believer’s Home (Mark und Tami Swaim)
- Believers Stewardship Service (Dubuque, IO)
- Bible and Life Ministry (David Dunlap)
- Bible Believers Online (Bible Truth Chapel of Archer, Florida)
- Bible Centre (KLC-Brüder)
- Bible Conference Recordings (Tunbridge-Wells-Brüder)
- Bible Counsel (R. L. DeWitt; Tunbridge-Wells-Standpunkt)
- Bible Ministry Recordings (William Dieck)
- Bible Notes (James Martin)
- Bible Teaching Lectures and Conferences (KLC-Brüder)
- Blessed Assurance Promise Box (Gary und Joanne Akehurst; mp3-Vorträge von über 800 Sprechern)
- Brethren Archivists and Historians Network (BAHN)
- Brethren Online (Shawn Abigail)
- BrethrenPedia (Doug Engle u.a.)
- Brethren Times (internationale Missionsnachrichten)
- Charles H. Mackintosh: His Life and Ministry (Stephen Hesterman)
- Christian Baptism (Stephen Hesterman)
- Christian Brethren Review (vollständiges Archiv 198289)
- Christian Missions in Many Lands (Spring Lake, NJ)
- Church Support Network (UK)
- Churches of God (Needed-Truth-Gemeinden)
- Darby-Audio (Jakob Reichel)
- Discourses (Ian C. McKay; Materialien zur Geschichte der „Brüder“, besonders der „Raven-Brüder“)
- Eastern Bible Conference (Grove City, PA)
- Echoes (Bath)
- Emmaus Bible College (Dubuque, IO)
- Emmaus Bible School UK (Eastham, Wirral, Merseyside)
- Emmaus Correspondence School (ECS Ministries)
- Enjoy your Bible (Alastair und Mona Warnes)
- Gathered Treasure (Tunbridge-Wells-Standpunkt)
- Good Teaching Search Engine (Raven-Standpunkt)
- Grace & Peace (Nelson Thomas, Mumbai)
- Grow in Grace (Konferenzmitschnitte der amerikanischen KLC-Brüder u.a.)
- His Table (Leonard Layne)
- Hold Fast What Thou Hast (Chesapeake, VA)
- In the Beloved (Randy Stephenson)
- International Brethren Conference on Mission (IBCM)
- International Brethren Mission & Media Ministries (Farmington Hills, MI)
- Jude verse 3 (Steve Noble)
- Key Bible Concepts (David Gooding / John Lennox)
- Kingcomments (Ger de Koning)
- Lorneville-Saint John Bible Conference (Tunbridge-Wells-Brüder)
- Ministry Search Engine (gesammelte Werke von Darby, Stoney, Raven, Coates, Taylor sen. und Cowell)
- Missions in Focus (Gordon Bennett)
- Montreal Bible Conference (Tunbridge-Wells-Brüder)
- Mountain View Bible Camp (Snydertown, PA)
- Oversight Today (Caleb Simonyi-Gindele)
- Partnership UK Ltd. (London)
- Patterns of Truth (Roy Touzeau u.a.)
- Philip Nunn (Eindhoven, NL)
- Plumstead Conference (KLC-Brüder)
- Plymouth Brethren (Biblical Resource Database)
- Plymouth Brethren (Stephen Hesterman)
- Preacher’s Corner (Ex-Taylor-Brüder)
- Promise Box Audio (Gary und Joanne Akehurst; mp3-Vorträge)
- Recorded Ministry (David Zaharik; Tunbridge-Wells-Standpunkt)
- Revived Truths (Vorträge, Artikel und Lieder)
- Search the Word (Richard und Ruth Spiering)
- Spiritual Songs (mp3-Dateien deutsch-, englisch- und französischsprachiger „Brüder“-Liederbücher)
- St. Thomas Bible Conference (Tunbridge-Wells-Brüder)
- Stewards Foundation (Dallas, TX)
- Stewards Ministries (Schaumburg, IL)
- The Fund for Christian Service (Minneola, FL)
- The Good Seed (GBV, Eschenburg)
- (Bothell, WA)
- The Holy Scriptures and Israel Bible Society (Alfred Bouter)
- The Journal of the Christian Brethren Research Fellowship (vollständiges Archiv 196380)
- The Letters of Edward Petter
- Truth for Today (Radioprogramm)
- Truths for Our Day (Joel Portman)
- WebTruth (Michael J. Penfold)
- Whose Faith Follow (Robert L. Jacobsen; Tunbridge-Wells-Standpunkt)
- William MacDonald (Andreas Lindner)
- Words of this Life (Brian Reynolds)
- Bode des Heils
- Christelijk Jeugdwerk
- De Bijbel voor jou
- Frisse Wateren (Rijk Mol)
- JezusVerlosser (J. Ph. Buddingh)
- Kingcomments (Ger de Koning)
- Oude Sporen (Jan-Paul Spoor)
- Stichting “De Mantel” (Dato Steenhuis)
- Uitzicht (Richard Grotenhuis)
- Harry Sleijster (Beiträge zur Mailingliste br-list)
- Jaap Fijnvandraat
- Henk P. Medema
- Simon Streuper
- Willem J. Ouweneel
- Konferenzen Voorburg und Haaglanden
- Bibliquest
- Claude Beauport (mit verschiedenen Unterseiten)
- École théologique ProFAC (Shawinigan, Kanada)
- La Sainte Bible
- Le Chemin
- Le Messager Évangélique (Register und Auswahl von Artikeln)
- Les Archives de la Foi
- Réveil-Audio (Jakob Reichel)
- Tharsei
- Centro Bethel (Castelnuovo della Daunia)
- Centro Maranatha (Badia Tedalda)
- Ente Morale (Firenze)
- Opera Missionaria Evangelica dei Fratelli Italiani (Foggia)
- Poggio Ubertini (Montespertoli)
- Edificación Espiritual Cristiana en Gracia y Verdad (Benito Rodolfo Carnio Ortiz)
- Verdades Preciosas (Flavio H. Arrué)
- Ensino Bíblico
- Irmãos No Brasil (Julio Marcos Mattos Ometto)
- Leituras Cristãs
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